R-Bloggers is a wonderful site which offers some great ideas for analysis.
While I have been busy of late, hence could not do much with R, I was inspired by this post by Eric Nguyen on Volume by Price chart.
This chart can be used with a great effect in ones trading strategies. It helps in identifying the support and resistance zones, and a breakout from these levels used as entry/exit points
Extending the work done by Eric, and making few changes in his original code, here is what I have achieved.
Reliance EOD Volume by Price chart |
Future Work: Make animation-like effect to show case the strength offered by volumes at various price levels over a period of time.
Not the best way to code, here is the workable version for more experimentation and extension
It can also be downloaded from here
library(quantmod) ############################################################### #Original Code #http://blog.datapunks.com/2011/10/volume-by-price-charts-with-r-first-attempt/ #Change the ticker to get chart of any "yahoo" symbol ticker = "RELIANCE.NS" symbol <- getSymbols(ticker) stock <- xts(get(symbol)) #remove stock name names(stock)[names(stock)==paste(symbol,'.Open',sep="")] <- 'Open' names(stock)[names(stock)==paste(symbol,'.Close',sep="")] <- 'Close' names(stock)[names(stock)==paste(symbol,'.Volume',sep="")] <- 'Volume' names(stock)[names(stock)==paste(symbol,'.Adjusted',sep="")] <- 'Adjusted' names(stock)[names(stock)==paste(symbol,'.High',sep="")] <- 'High' names(stock)[names(stock)==paste(symbol,'.Low',sep="")] <- 'Low' #Add Positive and Negative Volumes stock$posVbP <- Vo(stock[which(Lag(Cl(stock)) <= Cl(stock))]) stock$negVbP <- Vo(stock[which(Lag(Cl(stock)) > Cl(stock))]) #Since NAs got generated, replace NAs with 0. stock[is.na(stock)] <- 0 #Subset for data since May 2011 myQ <- stock['2011-06::'] #Define function to add positive and negative volumes by prices pVolBlock <- function(x) sum(myQ$posVbP[myQ$t==x]) nVolBlock <- function(x) sum(myQ$negVbP[myQ$t==x]) funcPriceByVol <- function(x){ myDiv <- 50 #Divisor for stock myQHi <- as.integer(ceiling(max(Cl(myQ))/myDiv)*myDiv) #Identify High of Series myQLo <- as.integer(floor(min(Cl(myQ))/myDiv)*myDiv) #Identify Low of Series myBreaks <- as.integer(seq(myQLo, myQHi, by=myDiv)) #Create Breaks of interval divisor # Identify and assign price intervals myQ$t <<- myBreaks[findInterval(myQ$Close,myBreaks,all.inside=T)] myVolsP <- unlist(lapply(myBreaks,pVolBlock)) #Add Positive Volumes to block myVolsN <- unlist(lapply(myBreaks,nVolBlock)) #Add Negative Volumes to block myVols <- rbind(myVolsP,myVolsN) #Bind the Positive and Negative Volumes colnames(myVols) <- myBreaks #Define Column Naes x=myVols } myPBV <- funcPriceByVol() #lets Plot the graph now plot(Cl(myQ),yaxt="n", ylab="",xlab="Time", ylim=c(min(as.integer(colnames(myPBV))),max(as.integer(colnames(myPBV)))), main=paste(ticker, "Close:- Volume by Price"),sub="Market Analyzer http://mypapertrades.blogspot.com/") axis(side=2,las=1) par(new=T) barplot(height=myPBV, beside=F,horiz=T, col=c(rgb(0,1,0,alpha=.3),rgb(1,0,0,alpha=.3)), xlim=c(0,max(myPBV[1,]+myPBV[2,])*1.1), space=10, width=3,xaxt="n",yaxt="n", las=2)
Very Nice work! Myself Selva. Would like to work with you if you are still interested in this area. a fan of R and interested in computational finance!